Senin, 30 September 2019

english dialog

Hasil gambar untuk english dialog

Dipa : (reading a book)
Annisa : oh hai Dipa! long time no see,where have you been this moth?
Dipa : oh hey! i've been to London for exchange students program. how are you nis?
Annisa :i'm fine,thank you.Seriously you've been to London?? you live in there?i hears London was very snowing lat month.
Dipa : yes,that's right. There is very cold and the snow is very thick. how in Indonesia?
Annisa : WOW....i wish i could go there. The weather in here is the same but doesn't experience winter hahaha. where you studied while you there?
Dipa : guess where?
Annisa : hmm...Oxford maybe? i'm not sure
Dipa : YES you're right. one of the university that i dreamed of when i was young. Iam very happy to be one of the chosen students to enter Oxford University. it's like dream come true
Annisa : wow,i'm very surprised and proud because you can be the one of the selected students who can study in Oxford University
Dipa : thank you,i hope you can be the next one too
Annisa : thank you for your prayers.oh,by the way it looks like the bell has rang. see you again Dipa
Dipa: oh,yes, see you too

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