Senin, 20 Juli 2020


Suggestion and offer

Mark : Hey Brian, have you know that our school will go to holiday?
Brian : Yeah I heard that one but I’m not sure where we will go
Mark : Our teachers still discuss about where we will go and they still accept our opinion
Brian : Really? Wow they’re so nice to us
Mark : Yes they’re. I was send my opinion. I think we can go to USA because I think they have nice weather and beautiful panorama
Brian : But I think we should go to explore Indonesia. Because our country has a natural beauty that is still rarely known to people.
Mark : OMG That’s sounds good. You’re jenius
Brian :  hehehe I just suggest
Mark : by the way the bells are ringing lets go to the class
Brian : yes lets go. Hey can I help u bring that book? They look so heavy
Mark : yes sure thank you. You’re so nice