Selasa, 18 Januari 2022

Novel Review Group

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2020

Write a Letter of Recommendation


To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Salma Dianti for FK UNPAD Scholarship.

I am Annisa Putri, a Head Master at SMAN 3 Bandung. I have 6 years of experience working in SMAN 3 Bandung and have seen many young professionals come and go. Salma Dianti is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands out.

During our time together, Salma displayed great talents in Biology class, Chemistry class and many experiments in various class. When we first met, I was immediately impressed with Salma, but during the time worked together, her understanding of Biology grew far more than that of her peers.

Salma was the member of Biology club in this school and she is the best. I was seeing her in many contests of wits about medical and she was impressed me because she easily gets the 1st rank. For this 3 year, she was show up her ability in medical things. Like when her friend get headache and she know what to do with her friend. And when we have tour in one of best hospital in Bandung, she knows how to use and function of the tool. She’s talkative when we had our Medical seminar.

It’s not just her technical skills that impress me, however. Salma was a joy to work with because of her amazingly positive attitude and humble. Her humble and friendly were also necessary and valued not just by myself, but by her peers, who often relied on her to get the job done.

I am absolutely confident that Salma would be a great fit for your Medical School. Not only will she bring the kind of skills and experiences you’re looking for in an applicant, but she will also quickly become an asset and help your Medical School grow in any way she can.

If you need more information or specific examples, please do not hesitate to contact me at 087777500472. As a recommendation letter likely only provides a snapshot of her talents and achievements, I would be happy to further elaborate on my time working with her.

Annisa Putri, SMAN 3 Bandung, Head Master


Selasa, 13 Oktober 2020

Review Movie


Hello everyone. Welcome back to my blog. So,today I want to review some interesting german movie that I watched last week for hone my german language skills. The tittle of the movie is Nicos Weg or in English it means Nico’s gone. So basically this movie tells about a men named Nico went to German for the first time to meet his Aunt, Yarras. Although his jerman was not so good, he wanted to practicing and learn some basic jerman words. Unfortunately when he want to find some taxi to go to his aunt, he lost his bag that contain the address, phone number, his handphone and passport. Luckily he still have the pict of his aunt and he made a friend with some little girl name Emma and she had aunt named Lisa and she’s want to help Nico finding his bag and his aunt. As long as he searched for his bag and his aunt, he had no place to stay so Lisa bring him to stay with her and her friends name Sebastian,Nina and Nawin. During he stay with Lisa and her friends, he helped Lisa works and practicing his jerman skills too to talk with other. And Nico get a lot of fun experience while he searching for his aunt. But in the end, finally Nico meet with his aunt and get his bag back

Besides this an interesting movie, this movie also had a moral of story that we can get in everyscene of this movie. This movie tells us to be nice and be kind with other. We have to be good person to everyone,Willing to help other like Lisa did to Nico. Here it is also thought that we bust be friendly to everyone so people around us will help us if we get trouble. On the other hands, helping people will also bring a thousand of goodness to us. Making friends also starts how we treat people.

And now I want to share foreign words that I found interesting like when Nico helped Lisa to babystting Emma. They break the rules that Lisa gave to them. They eat pizza and ice cream so this the conversation that I found interesting

Emma : So, ich hab Lust auf Eis

That means I feel like having some ice cream. Not long for there, they were both eating a lot of ice cream and pizza too so Emma said

Emma : Oh, ich mir schlecht

That means oh I feel bad. Maybe because Emma eat too much ice and pizza so she feel so fully.

Oh wait. I have some of my favourite words too. It is Schenke that mean donate or maybe in this conversation mean giving for free. Because in this scene when Nico bought some fruit and the seller give freely the other fruit for Nico. I think its sweet because they don’t know about each other and the seller just give it free for Nico. Its nice act

So lets talk about this movie in my opinion. I think its quite good movie, its not bored at all and its have some unique ways to find help and learn German. This  movie thought me too about their culture and how they dressed and whats they activity in a day. This is helpful movie too for everyone who wanted to learn about German like a basic words to other. But sadly I think its need English subtitle because I didn’t get understand for some scene because I just learn basic German. Oh I almost forget my favourite character in this movie is Emma, because she’s very cute and help Nico to learn about German too.

I think that’s all from me. Thank you for read my review and im sorry if my English was not so good because im still learning. See you in another post. Tschuss

Senin, 05 Oktober 2020

My Future Goals


my future goals i want to go to Padjajaran University and taking school of law  because i want to be a prosecutor cause i want uphold justice for all people regardless of status or position.  I also want to be a judge because in my opinion it is a challenge in itself to convict someone according to their crime.  plus I really like crime stories

Senin, 20 Juli 2020


Suggestion and offer

Mark : Hey Brian, have you know that our school will go to holiday?
Brian : Yeah I heard that one but I’m not sure where we will go
Mark : Our teachers still discuss about where we will go and they still accept our opinion
Brian : Really? Wow they’re so nice to us
Mark : Yes they’re. I was send my opinion. I think we can go to USA because I think they have nice weather and beautiful panorama
Brian : But I think we should go to explore Indonesia. Because our country has a natural beauty that is still rarely known to people.
Mark : OMG That’s sounds good. You’re jenius
Brian :  hehehe I just suggest
Mark : by the way the bells are ringing lets go to the class
Brian : yes lets go. Hey can I help u bring that book? They look so heavy
Mark : yes sure thank you. You’re so nice

Minggu, 10 Mei 2020


1.   Allusion in song ‘My Heart Will Go On’ by Celine Dion
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
2.   This song is one of the defining songs of the 90s and a classic movie song that will go down in history. You have to have seen the movie Titanic to fully understand the allusion she is making here: to the door that Jack and Rose laid on while the boat sank. The first part "Every night in my dreams I see you I feel you" means that Rose (from the movie Titanic) dreams about (Jack from thr movie Titanic who died.) Than the lyrics "that is how I know you go on" means that although a person dies their heart lives on. Than the lyrics "near far wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on" she does not know where his heart is but she knows it lives on, most likely referring to heaven. Then the lyrics "once more you open the door" means even though he is gone he still opens the door to her heart. Then "and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on" mean that even if she falls in love and marries another guy he will still be in her heart forever. Than the lyrics "love can touch us one time and last for a life time" means that even after him being gone for years she still feels and remembers his love. Than "love was when I loved you one true time I hold to in my life we'll always go on" means she will still love him no matter who she meets and no matter what that they will live on in her heart. Than "we'll stay forever this way you are safe in my heart" means no matter what her love for him will never change and that his memory and the memory of their love is safe in her heart.
3.   Biblical Allusion (Antediluvian)
When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters. So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. – Genesis 5:3-32
Antediluvian is a Latin phrase for “before the flood”. It refers to the worldwide flood during the times of Noah in Genesis. Something very old or outdated is sometimes exaggeratedly called Antediluvian. This period chronicled in the Bible between the fall of humanity and the Genesis flood narrative in the biblical cosmology. The term refers to any ancient and murky period.
SentenceThe teacher’s antediluvian belief made John ill-suited for classroom teaching.
Myth Allusion (Cupid)
Cupid: Cupid, or Amor, was the Roman god of love, who was also called Eros by the Greeks. He was usually depicted as a young winged boy with a bow and arrow. To play Cupid is to be a matchmaker, while someone who suddenly falls in love is said to have been struck by Cupid's arrow. Diane knew Sam had asked her not to get involved in his personal life, but she couldn't resist the urge to play Cupid and set him up with Rebecca.
Literarry Allusion (At rest on ocean’s brilliant dyes / An image of Elysium lies (Edgar Allan Poe, Serenade)
In the graphic novel Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi depicts a fallen soldier being cradled by his mother, a woman in a veil. The image alludes strongly to images of Jesus being taken down from the cross by Mary (external allusion). Later on in the book, Satrapi uses an almost identical image to show a mother fainting into the arms of her husband (internal allusion). This is an allusion to the mythical afterlife of the Greeks, which was called Elysium. In the poem, the “vision of Elysium” is the stars being reflected in the ocean – so Poe is suggesting that the stars are really the Fields of Elysium, where the Greeks believed heroes would go when they died.
Pop Culture Allusion (Sideshow Bob, The Simpsons)
Ah, Krusty – this is your Waterloo! 
This is an allusion to the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon Bonaparte suffered a crushing defeat from which he would never recover. Using this allusion, Sideshow Bob suggests that he is about to bring down Krusty just as Napoleon was brought down at Waterloo.